Sunday 12 May 2013

Unexpected results

     Well, the results of elections were surely uncalled for. We were totally hoping for Imran Khan [IK] to win these elections. However, this has sadly not been the case. I am not going against anyone for this matter. After all, we are a democratic nation and everyone has the right to vote for whom they please.
     Nonetheless, I do feel that IK had high chances of winning this year. Had it not been for the inefficiency on the part of some administrative staff, mismanagement, postponement in arrival of ballot papers and other stationary items and rigging, IK could have taken the lead. Furthermore, overseas Pakistanis were disallowed from voting, which is completely nonsensical. 
     I condemn those activists who have indulged in such detestable acts. It is totally unfair in terms of freedom of speech and prerogatives of civilians. Who are these people to create obstacles when it comes to voting? Surely, they have breached that right! I want elections to be rescheduled so that people who did not get to vote can get a fair chance to vote again.
     Where Karachi is concerned for the next five years, I see a gloomy future. I visualize a living nightmare with more violence, corruption, thievery, murder and bloodshed than ever. This is probably owing to the lack of awareness and literacy of the masses. Surely, the ruling parties of Karachi cannot benefit us in any way.
     As for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa [KPK], I congratulate its entire people. They are in for good times ahead. They are likely to flourish and are on the pathway to prosperity under IK’s leadership. Where we, the youngsters – the future of this country, are concerned, what we can do is not lose faith and keep struggling for a better Pakistan and victory will soon be ours. IK has surely mobilized the youth by making them aware of societal issues and driving them out of their homes just so that they can fight and Pakistan could flourish. The response has been unbelievably incredible. He has definitely won our hearts, if not the elections. To us, he is already a winner who has lit fires amongst scores of people for the country. He has displayed his passion and courage. He has made apparent that he truly cares for the country. Salute to the hero!
     In conclusion, hope is not lost. We can neither give up nor be entirely dependent on our leaders for success of the nation. We should keep striving for prosperity. We should play our parts well and work hard for this country and victory shall soon be ours.

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