Wednesday, 31 July 2013
Climate change in USA
The planet Earth
has been experiencing climate change since the Ice Ages. However, this trend
has been taking place at a rapid pace since the Industrial Revolution of
Europe. Owing to a speedy increase in industrialization, human activities have
meddled with the composition of atmosphere by releasing greenhouse gases and
causing them to become increasingly compressed in the ozone layer; hence,
trapping and filtering heat and causing global warming. There are several countries
amongst others that possess the greatest share in contributing negatively to
the environment. One such country is the United States of America.
Currently, U.S.A has been experiencing a
wide array of environmental predicaments. The most prominently damaging of them
all are climate change, conservation, deforestation and pollution. As a result
of these issues, more than thousands of people residing in the U.S.A have had
to endure the negative consequences.
Where climate change is concerned, U.S.A
is the second leading country that emits a large amount of carbon dioxide by
burning fossil fuels. The enlarged concentration of the greenhouse gas in the
atmosphere has ultimately led to extreme incidents across the country. There
are frequent heat waves, cold waves, storms, heavy rainfall, floods, droughts
and increased precipitation which are detrimental to health and infrastructure.
Coastal areas are particularly at risk because of rising ocean levels. The catastrophes that occur cost the country
millions of dollars which affect the economy.
USA has also been facing challenges to its
wildlife conservation. Already, the North American megofauna and Passenger
Pigeon have become extinct due to human activities. The American Bison and
California Condon are endangered due to poaching and wholesale hunting
Deforestation has also been occurring
gradually, mainly due to illegal logging of forests, cutting and transporting
timber and producing wood chips on fields. The amount of pollution has also
reached its peak. In terms of air pollution, Los Angeles is the most
contaminated – it even won the “smoggiest city” award quite a few times. Toxic
chemicals in the air lead to cancer and pregnancy complications. The waste
emitted from industries imposes high costs as well as haphazardous effects on
health, particularly causing strokes.
The rivers, lakes oceans surrounding the
USA have been hard-hit by toxic waste. Drinking water of Washington D.C was
found infected with lead which made thousands of children vulnerable to health
illnesses. Furthermore, cruise ship is one of the highest grossing industries
in USA. However, a large amount of toxic and solid waste along with oil was
discovered in oceans. Blood and entrails were found dumped in the Bubby Creek
by nearby meat-packing businesses. The Love Canal, upon sale to Niagra Falls
and construction emitted toxic waste which massively compromised public health.
Moreover, Greenpoint oil spill is one of the largest oil spills to pollute
land. Over 17 million gallons of oil were leaked into the soil.
The impacts on people are numerous. In
terms of territory, residents are restricted by reservation boundaries to
relocate. This alters their welfare and it becomes hard to cope with impacts on
resources, cultivation and ecosystems. Southern and western regions are prone
to storms, droughts, air pollution and heat waves. The mountainous west is
affected by water scarcity and wild fires. Arctic populations confront rising
ocean levels due to melting ice caps.
During disasters, the handling capacity of
people diminishes. Poor people have limited financial resources to cope with
changes. Old people are prone to health problems owing to extreme temperatures,
hurricanes and droughts. Young children are specifically vulnerable as their
immune systems are still in developing stages and are therefore prone to
Urban settlements absorb more heat – a
large number of people will be affected by heat waves, tropical storms and
droughts. Extreme temperatures affect prices of air, energy, water quality,
welfare and health. There is also a lot of damage caused to infrastructure.
Lastly, the lifestyle of agricultural
communities is dependent upon weather. Due to unstable weather conditions,
crops such as wheat, cotton and corn might disappear and will have to be
imported. Tourism will also be greatly affected. With lesser snowfall, skiing
and snowmobile activities are affected. Wildfires affect hiking and leisure in
parks. Soil erosion due to rising sea levels also negatively affects exotic
beaches. Overall, the economy will face the downside of climate change.
Global Warming
Global warming is defined as the proliferation in the
average climate of the earth. Since the abrupt end of Ice Age, the earth’s
climate has been through phenomenal changes and these changes are considered to
be more anthropogenic rather than a part of the natural cycle. It is a very
grave environmental issue that has sparked attentions and concerns.
consequences of global warming are apparent in all parts of the world. Most
countries are more hard-hit than others because of the amount of greenhouse
gases [GHG] they release into the atmosphere. These manifestations are obvious
in the form of melting ice glaciers, rising sea levels, severe droughts,
unusual weather patterns and wildlife extinction.
melting of ice caps is one of the serious impacts of global warming. Owing to
an increase in the world climate, ice caps of North and South Poles, Antarctica
and Greenland are gradually disappearing, along with mountain glaciers. NASA
reported that ice caps are melting at the rate of nine percent per decade.
Also, ice thickness of the Arctic has reduced by forty percent since 1960.
sea levels is another grim issue. This is happening due to the melting of ice
caps and as well as thermal expansion of oceans. Low-lying coastal areas and
islands are particularly vulnerable to disappearing under water.
warming also increases the frequency of droughts. Evapotranspiration makes dry
areas drier; hence, there is decreased precipitation, cultivation and little or
no rainfall.
are also periods of unusual weather pattern in many parts of the world. Warm
temperatures increase likelihood of droughts and with higher evaporation, more
wild fires are likely to break out in forests. Moreover, there are higher
possibilities of powerful rainstorms. Warm ocean water propels energy into
tropical storms, making them dangerously intense and catastrophic. There is
also heavy rainfall in many parts of the world which inundates infrastructure
and destroys life.
but not the least, much of wildlife has gone extinct as a consequence of
climate change and it is predicted if the issue is not curbed, animals could
die out forever. Animals are adjusted to a certain climate. With a drastic
change in temperature, their bodies become incapable of habitation; hence, they
either migrate or die. Animals such as the dodo, mammoth and Eastern Couber have
become extinct. Polar bears in Alaska are forecasted to die out by 2050 if
global warming does not cease.
Is climate change irreversible?
Scientists claim
that the issue of climate change has amounted to such an extent that it is now
irreversible. In this respect, there are always two sides to a coin. The
statement can be agreed upon to a certain degree as well as rectified if the
role of the government and civilians all across the globe is performed just right
– which means preserving our environment by reducing our emissions.
We are late in the sense that there has
already been a lot of irremediable damage done to a few facets of the
environment. Melted ice caps cannot be reconditioned to their former solid
form. They have led to a significant increase in sea levels and people will
continue to be harmed by natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods and
cyclones. In addition, the ozone layer has been precariously destructed, many
forests have been cut and burned down and global temperatures have risen by a
substantial amount. These issues take considerably many years to be resolved –
during that time future generations will eventually suffer the disastrous
Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will
continue to expand with new and more advanced technology and increased
production to fulfill sky-rocketing demands of the growing population.
According to ABC news, more damage will be done even if industries cut down on
carbon emissions. Jasper Knight of Wits University, Johannesburg and Stephen
Harrison of University of Exeter, England, claim that government attempts to
reduce carbon emanation are too late and they have “little relationships to the
real world.” We are totally unaware of ways to deal with the issue.
The other side of the coin holds that if
we truly resort to change our lifestyle that is best suited to the needs of our
environment, we can change and improve this planet for the better. The damage
that has been done is irreversible. However, they can be minimized. Global
warming is unalterable so we have to look for ways to deal with the
consequences. These impacts can be reduced if we just play our parts well in
order to conserve the environment before Mother Earth starts cleansing herself
of everything that is creating an imbalance.
Climate change
The phenomenon of
climate change is a major environmental problem that has garnered considerable
attention over the last few decades. The issue is defined as an alteration in
the average climate of the Earth - changes in temperature, wind patterns,
precipitation and rainfall. The advent
of the Industrial Revolution of 18th century in Europe further
aggravated climate change. There are scores of underlying evidence that average
climate of the Earth has been unusually warmer over the past years.
The prominent manifestations of the trend
of climate change are rising sea levels, increase in global temperatures, ocean
warming and acidification, melting ice caps, droughts and heavy rainfall.
During the past years, these occurrences have significantly increased all
across the globe. Climate change is believed to result from an increased
emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere which trap and filter heat and
cause temperature of the planet to increase during the long-term course.
This trend is referred to as global
warming - the increase in the average climate of the Earth. The newspapers,
almost on a regular basis, publish articles on bizarre incidents that are
associated with global warming, such as: the intensity of hurricanes Sandy and
Katrina and severe droughts.
The core cause of global warming is
claimed to be increased carbon emission through fossil fuel combustion and
energy utilization. Carbon dioxide is the primary GHG that contributes to
global warming and has grave environmental impacts. According to scientists,
humans are responsible for global warming as carbon is emitted via factories,
cars and desertification which initiate irrevocable damage to the environment.
In conclusion, it can be said that after
having observed the severe impacts of human activities around the globe, which
were not present in the last century, climate change is indeed taking place.
Global warming is happening all over the world and the root cause of this is
emission of carbon dioxide.
International Humanitarian Law
What is it?
Humanitarian Law - IHL, also applied as the ‘law of war’ or ‘law of armed
conflict’, is a combination of conventions that restrain the adverse
aftereffects of armed conflict. It provides protection to those people who dissociate
from enmities, including the ailing, injured, hostages and civilians.
Moreover, it standardizes the channels and schemes of struggle.
The decree consists of the Geneva and Hague Conventions. It is an integral
ingredient of the international law – which is an array of rules that
administrate relations among states. The International Law composes of
agreements – conventions and treaties – among states.
associates with armed conflicts. It does not restrict a country from making
exercise of force. The aspect of using force is regulated by the charter of
United Nations. (Cross)
IHL was initiated across the globe in the 19th Century – when
states obliged to rules of conduct in warfare. The Geneva Convention of 1864
established the foundations for IHL. The rules of the convention generated a
sense of balance between philanthropic apprehensions and military requirements
of the state. Owing to an increase in populations around the globe, countries
have made significant contributions to the improvement of those rules. (Law?,
The four Geneva
Conventions of 1949 are the following:
1) Convention
1: This convention was established as an Amelioration of
the Condition of the Wounded in Armies in the Field. It looks
after the victims of armed conflict.
2) Convention
2: This convention was set up as Amelioration of the
Condition of the Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed Forces at Sea.
3) Convention
3: This convention was set up as Treatment of Prisoners of
War. It resorts to looking after prisoners of war.
4) Convention
4: This convention was named Protection of Civilian Persons
in Time of War and it sought to safeguard civilians during
The rules of IHL
were further amended by the Additional Protocols of 1977,
which protect victims of armed conflict and are as follows:
1) Protocol
1:This seeks to protect victims of international armed disputes.
2) Protocol
2: This aims to protect victims of non-international armed conflicts.
3) Protocol
3: Adopted in 2005, this is Adoption of an Additional
Distinctive Emblem.
Other than the
aforementioned treaties, the IHL is also based upon the following agreements.
· Convention
for Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and its 2
protocols – 1954.
· Biological
Weapons Convention – 1972.
· Conventional
Weapons and its 5 protocols – 1980.
· Chemical
Weapons Convention – 1993.
· Ottawa
Convention on anti-personnel mines - 1997.
· Optional
Protocol to Convention on Rights of the Child and involvement of children in
armed conflict – 2000.
(Cross, General
problems in implementing the Fourth Geneva Convention)
IHL is relevant to armed conflict. It disregards internal criminal and violent
activities. It is applicable only when a conflict has commenced. Moreover, it
differentiates between international and non-international armed conflict.
International armed conflicts involve 2 states that have to comply with the
rules embarked upon in the 4 Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocol 1. On
the other hand, non-international armed conflicts are confined to the borders
of one nation. They could consist of armed forces or groups fighting each
other. The rules that apply to internal forces are ordained in Article 3 of 4
Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocol 2.
It encompasses 2 areas. Firstly, it protects those who are detached from
conflicts. Secondly, it regulates the means and methods of warfare – including
certain weapons and military strategies.
according to IHL
IHL has laid down certain conditions on terms of protection for civilians.
These are as follows:
protects those who do not participate in hostile activities. These include
civilians, medical practitioners and military personnel.
· It
offers protection for those who have stopped getting involved in conflicts,
such as: the injured, captives, sick, stranded and combatants.
· People
who fall into the above-mentioned categories are “entitled to respect
for their lives and for their physical and mental integrity.” – ICRC. They are
to be sheltered and provided with humane treatment regardless of circumstances.
prohibits injuring or murdering an adversary who cannot fight or surrender; the
sick and wounded are to be cared for by their ruling authority. Protection and
security must be provided to hospitals, ambulances and medical personnel.
· A
regulation was laid down on the condition for detention of war hostages and
treatment of civilians under the control of enemies. The terms of these conditions
included food, shelter, healthcare and permission for communication with
· There
are particular symbols that can be used to identify protected people, such as:
Red Cross, Red Crescent and others that symbolize properties and civil defense
International Humanitarian Law - Treaties & Documents)
Prohibitions on
weapons and strategies
IHL restricts all means and methods of warfare that are: firstly, unable to
distinguish between those participating in combats and those who do not, such
as civilians. The purpose of this is to safeguard citizens and their
properties. Secondly, it prohibits tactics that result in injuries or torment.
Thirdly, it restricts those tactics which are detrimental to the environment in
the long-term.
Defiance and
Through the course of history, many forces have operated against the IHL and a large number of civilians have become victims of war.
On the contrary, IHL has also brought about a positive impact in safeguarding
captives, civilians, sick and wounded. It has also succeeded in limiting the
usage of atrocious weapons. (Cross,
IHL should be given the respect that it deserves because it, undeniably, serves
and promotes humanity. Nations are responsible for raising awareness concerning
IHL’s rules to armed forces and general public. If any individual is found to
be violating the IHL, he should be punished. Laws should be enacted to punish
those who violate the law – anyone defying the law is committing a war crime.
States must pass laws in order to preserve the Red Cross and Red Crescent.
Measures have been undertaken on a global level to punish violators of IHL. For
instance, tribunals were generated to punish conflicts that took place in
Yugoslavia and Rwanda. Furthermore, Rome Salute set up and international court
in 1998 to curb ‘inter alia’ war crimes.
Tuesday, 30 July 2013
Reasons to maintain a nutritious diet
Reduced risks of health illnesses – cancer,
obesity, diabetes, constipation etc.
You remain active
You feel hydrated and energized
Beauty comes from within. Appearance reflects
inner health.
Skin problems – acne, oily skin etc. – decrease
You naturally look good when healthy
Good food combats anxiety, depression and stress.
You stay alert
Brain power improves dramatically
10) Becomes easier
to focus on regular tasks
You feel happy
12) Your self-esteem
increases. You feel confident.
13) Boosts immunity
14) You age
gracefully – less wrinkles and so on.
15) Larger life
16) Able to
enjoy everyday activities.
17) Attendance
18) Better relaxation
19) Low blood
pressure [BP], cholesterol levels and all the rest.
20) You’re
worthy of being comfortable in your own skin. Maintain a balanced appetite. Consume
everything in moderation. Excess of anything is bad. Remember: YOU ARE what you EAT!
List of reasons to exercise: why I perform yoga
It keeps the heart and body in good shape
It reduces stress
It improves memory
It increases concentration on everyday chores. Keeps you
It significantly reduces risks of illnesses
It assists in weight loss.
It speeds up metabolism.
Makes you feel good about yourself.
10) Improves appearance and tones body.
You sleep well and deep.
12) It strengthens your bones.
13) It makes you feel
15) Slows down aging
16) You regret missing
a session.
17) It uplifts your
18) You are definitely
worth it.
Monday, 29 July 2013
Salvador Dali: The Father of Surrealist Art
Born in 1904 in Figueras, Spain, Salvador
Dali is a prominent and the best-known Spanish artist of the Surrealist
Movement of the 20th century.
Type of work:
His famous works mainly range from
Surrealist painting to sculptors and graphic designing and artistry. He
possessed an elevated imagination combined with his grandiose manner. He is
considered to be an icon for the surreal and the peculiar. He was best known
for his unique and extraordinary ability to transform his dreams into surreal
artistic work.
Rise to fame:
He rose to fame after joining the former
Surrealist Movement. His work is a peculiar reflection of unreal dreams and a
paranoiac state of his mind. He has successfully depicted his subconscious mind
through bizarre, hallucinatory images. Through his paintings, we access and
enter a completely alien world of everyday objects that combine unusual
elements of metamorphosis, juxtaposition and distortion in an absolutely
bizarre and odd fashion.
As a result of his work, he garnered a
huge public attention for his remarkably magnificent exhibitionism and his
eccentric demeanour. His artistically mature and extraordinary painting style
made him the best-known Surrealist artist of his era and he eventually earned
an honourable title namely “The Father of Surrealist Movement”.
a reformer of the Surrealist Movement, he made a benevolent contribution on a
wider scale. He made two surrealistic films with Spanish filmmaker, Lois
Brunuel, namely: The Andalusian Dog in 1928 and The Golden Age in 1930.

he designed well-known theatrics, fashionable luxury shop interiors, made
jewelry and also conducted exhibitions in order to promote his paintings in the
United States of America [U.S.A]. He wrote books as well, namely: ‘The Secret
Life of Salvador Dali’ – 1942, ‘Diary of a Genius’ – 1952-63 and ‘Oui: The
Paranoid Critical Revolution’ – 1927-33.
Famous works:
slight modification down the lane of “The Persistence of Memory”,
“Disintegration in The Persistence of Memory” is yet another one of Dali’s most
famous works. The latter altered painting is a mere reflection of new science
of that era, namely: quantum and mechanics in the world of physics. It is an
odd demonstration of the scientific splitting of matter into atoms. The former
dead olive tree is shown to be breaking apart. The fish is displayed as a
symbol of life. The salient idea that brought about this extraordinarily
exceptional, distinguished and outstanding piece of work is Dali’s fascination
with the atomic bomb explosions of 1945.
Salvador Dali also created a Surrealist
object called “The Lobster Telephone”, a representation of random food items. The
idea that brought about this phenomenal invention concerns Dali’s curiosity
regarding why, whenever he ordered grilled lobster at a restaurant, he was
never presented with a boiled telephone.
Some of Salvador Dali’s famous sculptures
are a follows:
- Saint George and the Dragon in Singapore
Horse saddle with Time in Singapore
Space Elephant at South Bank in London, United Kingdom
Statue of Salvador Dali in Spain
After having imprinted his exalted legacy and
brilliant talent through his gloriously resplendent and strikingly imperial,
grandiose paintings, Dali reduced to utter seclusion in Figueras. He ultimately
met his sad demise in 1989, due to heart failure, at the age of 84.
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