gap is a recurrent theme throughout Lahiri’s stories. This difficulty is
reflective of hostile relationships, failing marriages and emotional turmoil.
It is a void that leads to unalterable complications between spouses. In
“Temporary Matter”, we encounter Shoba and Shukumar going through a turbulent
relationship. The reason for this discord is Shoba’s anger and frustration on
the loss of her son. Since the death of her son, she has been getting distant
from Shukumar and hardly speaks to him. The death of the son becomes a
consequence for a communication barrier in marriage. Silence becomes a
destructive element as they both become strangers and avoid each other at all
costs although they reside under the same roof. It is only the power outage
that enables them to reveal their unspoken secrets. Ultimately, in the end, the
baby leads to dissolution of their relationship.
Difficulties in
communication are also prevalent in “Interpreter of Maladies”. We confront Mr.
Kapasi, a tour guide and interpreter of symptoms who barely speaks to his wife
and drinks his tea in silence during the night. Formerly, he was fluent in many
languages and wanted to be an interpreter for diplomats. However, his life did
not turn out as he wanted and he now works as an interpreter for doctors, much
to the dissatisfaction of his wife because his job reminded her of their son’s
death. Similar to “Temporary Matter”, death of a child in this story too
becomes a reason for communication breakdown and dwindling affections.
Mr. and Mrs. Das
are also going through a loveless marriage. Their marriage is rampant with
hostility and indifference. Both Mrs. Das and Mr. Kapasi are yearning for
communication. When Mrs. Das asks Mr. Kapasi for his address to send the family
pictures, he starts fantasizing about the possibility for communication and
friendship with her which would reveal sorrowful secrets concerning marital
problems. They both are very lonely and unhappy and Mr. Kapasi contemplates
over the fact that sharing problems is feasible. However, Mrs. Das’s unpleasant
revelation and the flying away of paper with Mr. Kapasi’s address eliminate all
possibilities for communication and friendship. When the story comes to a
close, everything in Mr. and Mrs. Das’s relationship remains unchanged due to
Mrs. Das’s incapability to communicate her secret to her husband.
Another instance
of lack of communication is prevalent in “Mrs. Sen”. The story focuses on the
emotional tragedy of Mrs. Sen who is depressed, nostalgic and refuses to
assimilate in a new country. Unlike Mala in “The Third and Final Continent”,
she feels frustrated, confined and lonely and makes no efforts in adjusting to
Western customs. No exchanges take place between Mr. Sen and her. She is unable
to express her turmoil and her husband seems unable to comprehend what she is
really going through. Moreover, following the accident, Mr. Das informs Eliot’s
mother that Mrs. Das is sleeping, even though Eliot hears her weeping. When the
story comes to a fold, Eliot informs his mother that he fine, although he is
clearly in distress. Even Eliot is unable to convey his sources of anguish to
his mother.
prevalent theme is that of fragmented perception, which is apparent in
“Interpreter of Maladies”. Mr. Das always views Indian life through a guide
book and lens of his camera that he always carries around. The camera is
symbolic of limited perception. To him, like other Westerners, poverty and
underdevelopment in India is exotic. He looks at it from a Western perspective.
As a tourist, he romanticizes his surroundings. He finds the starving peasant’s
miserable plight fascinating and takes a snap shot. He sees reality through a
camera and is indifferent to the peasant’s predicament. He lives in his own
world and perceives his environment the way he likes to. He also takes a
picture of Bobby when he is surrounded by the dangerous monkeys. This is
indicative of his self-centrism, selfishness and insensitivity. He fails to
connect emotionally with India, the home of his parents, owing to his exotic
and warped view of Indian life. He dismisses the dilemma of Indian life and his
marriage. The snapshots of his family are mere fabrications of a harmonious and
happy family life. He refuses to acknowledge the complexities of life.
There are other
characters besides Mr. Das who do not see the complete picture. Mrs. Das’s
glasses enable her to see others through a tint and prevent people from really
seeing her. Her window is faulty and does not roll down, which thwarts her from
seeing the world outside the taxi. In addition, Mr. Kapasi looks at her through
the rearview mirror. He, therefore, cannot get a complete picture of her. He
does not suspect that Bobby is the offspring of a man other than Mr. Das. He
sees them as living in harmony. This segmented perception of characters is a
reminder of Aadam and Naseem from Salman Rushdie’s “Midnight’s Children” –
where Aadam loves Naseem in fragments and eventually complications in marriage
occur. Furthermore, Mr. Das’s denial of reality is similar to the ‘optimism
disease’ in “Midnight’s Children” – a situation where people live in denial,
ignoring everyday realities, which is contagious and leads to detrimental
consequences in the long-term.
Another reminiscent
theme apparent throughout Lahiri’s stories is Indian diaspora – which refers to
the influx of Indians in countries such as America, England and so on. It relates
to the dilemma and disconnection that Indians face in the West. According to
Ardhendu De, “The dilemma is: it is painful to stay but it is difficult to
return. The migrant belongs to both worlds and at the same time to none.”
Characters are emotionally connected and attached to India. They relate
themselves to India. For instance, Mrs. Sen preserves her memory by wearing her
saris, cutting vegetables with a special blade and fish – a reminder of home.
Mr. Pirzada feels personally disconnected from his family that lives in India.
India is the focus of all stories. It is the home country and metaphoric for
peace and unity. Characters often experience trying periods of remorse,
alienation and isolation in foreign lands. They struggle with identity and preservation
of Indian traditions. Fear of rejection, longing for home country and losing
their identities were inherent facets of their immigrant experiences. They also
struggle with cultural clashes and disconnection from loved ones. To maintain
Indian traditions and conventions while accepting Western customs is a process
Indians have to learn to accept. Mala successfully integrates into the Western
culture and feels comfortable, much to the appreciation of her husband – they
both incorporate successfully into American life – which is the ultimate source
of their happiness. On the contrary, it is extremely difficult for Mrs. Sen to
accept Western ideals. Furthermore, Twinkle is mesmerized by the Christian
iconography she discovers in many places of her house, which Sanjeev
disapproves. However, being enthralled by Christian objects does not denote
that Twinkle has forsaken the culture of her home country. It suggests a
triumphant transition in a new country.
minority also composes the themes of “A Real Durwan” and “The treatment of Bibi
Haldar”. Boori Ma is a fragile old woman who works as a caretaker. She claims
to have been dislocated following the Partition. On the other hand, Bibi Haldar
takes care of inventories. In a sorry state of affairs, both work for extended
hours in horrendous conditions and are paid low wages by the exploitative upper
classes. This situation is a reflection of how people usually treated members
of lower castes who were vulnerable to unfair treatment. It shows resentment
towards minorities. Bibi Haldar suffers from an unidentified ailment. She is
sprinkled with holy water, advised to lose and gain weight, stand on her head
and to eat eggs in milk. Yet none of these prove to be remedies to her
sickness. She is denied access to appropriate healthcare because the residents
of the locality where she lived perceived women as worthless creatures. The
town people come to the conclusion that she is in dire need of a man. This is reflective
of South-Asian mentality of a male chauvinistic society that women need men to
complete them and be looked after. According to a society with unbridled male
domination, domestic chores such as cleaning, cooking and caring for a man are
aspects that make up a woman. However, in the end, it is Bibi Haldar who proves
everyone wrong and looks after her child without any helping hand of a male.
Last but not the
least, relationships and marriages are intensely convoluted in the stories. We
are presented with conflicted characters. Sanjeev and Twinkle, despite having a
love marriage, fail to live up to each other’s expectations and are strangers
to each other. Their interests, secrets and desires vary. Sanjeev is therefore
skeptical regarding his love for Twinkle. The death of a son takes a toll on
Shukumar and Shoba’s marriage and gradually causes them to become
psychologically secluded from each other and leads to their disintegration. The story “Third and Final Continent” is the
only positive example of a blissful result of a marriage, where spouses prove
that disconnection can be closed through sharing experiences. As the narrator
recalls his previous years, he is astounded by the fact that he and his wife
were once strangers. Nicholas Gipe also comments, “Love and tradition are
always at the heart of the story, and the characters who find happiness are
always those who can embrace their present circumstance while at the same time
never forget their Indian roots.” Finally, the stories “Interpreter of
Maladies” and “Sexy” focus on infidelities which show that there are no
restrictions to love – it is not bound with strict morals. Moreover, Mr. Kapasi
is discontented with his wife and gets momentarily attracted to Mrs. Das, until
she makes a confession of her deceitfulness.
Lahiri’s writing
style is deceptively simple and straight-forward. The simple narrative style
enables us to follow her in a smooth pace. She uses neither inflated words nor
complex descriptions; nonetheless, the stories have a strong impact and there
are profound sentiments involved which evoke our pathos through her ingenious
usage of metaphors and imagery. It is this brilliant, figurative writing
technique that makes us feel like spectators to on-going events. We can practically
feel what the characters are feeling. There is a high amount of suspense which
grips us to the core and keeps us engrossed till the end as we become anxious
to know what follows next. We can feel
the characters’ pain and emotional turmoil which is probably what make it an
undeniably striking aspect of all stories and make Lahiri such a successful
Nice and quite informative post. I really look forward to your other posts.
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